Two 2-minutes Rules to Beat Procrastination

3 min readMar 13, 2023

Hello world!

I’ve read a bunch of productivity books myself and discovered a lot of rules, like the two-year rule, the five-minute rule, and the five-second rule. The thing is, these rules are usually intended for businesses or entrepreneurs. However, I was able to tweak them and make them work for me when I was studying engineering; it helped me avoid procrastination. So, for the next two minutes, I’d like to share with you a couple of two-minute rules that might come in handy.

First rule — Getting Things Done

According to David Allen in his book “Getting Things Done”, there is a useful two-minute rule: if a task takes two minutes or less to complete, do it immediately. This is an effective way to prevent procrastination and to ensure that small tasks do not accumulate and become overwhelming. For instance, if you have to take out the trash today, it would take only two minutes to do it now instead of putting it on a to-do list or risking forgetting about it later, which would ultimately take more than two minutes.

In addition to taking out the trash, there are other tasks that can be easily accomplished in two minutes or less. Organizing a cluttered desk, watering plants, or even clipping nails are just a few examples. By addressing these small tasks as they arise, they…




Entrepreneur, student and developer, I’m passionate about finance et investments.